After a fab period with S2 today I’ve been thinking about struggle&success! I think it’s so important that learners experience success as early as possible to make that positive association. It’s the feeling of being successful which motivates them to want to get better... 1/4
But it’s not an accomplishment to be proud of if it’s too easy. That’s where the struggle comes in. There needs to be a level of challenge. As teachers we are so skilled at breaking tasks down in order that learners can develop gradually. 2/4
It’s the scaffolding of the ‘hard thing’ which is what allows learners to succeed. I think sometimes we can be guilty of making the ‘hard thing’ easier and easier, simpler and simpler rather than explicitly modelling in stages, how to do the difficult thing 3/4
High expectations for everyone are so vital. If we dumb down the task, we risk pupils losing that feeling of accomplishment for learners. Our job isn’t to make the challenge easier. Our job is to make it easier to learn how to do the challenging thing. 4/4
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