Trump & his @WhiteHouse idiots who have no knowledge of history engaged in a grotesque insult by "pardoning" Susan B. Anthony. Such a pardon contains in it an acceptance of guilt. Were she alive, Anthony would refuse it.

Let's read the words from her sentencing, starting here:
...can you imagine the woman who said that also saying, "Oh thank you, sir, for pardoning me for the crime I committed." She would rather spit in Trump's face. Because she considered the law in that case, like many laws, to be unjust and inhuman. She continues below...
...and if there is any lingering doubt, remember this: Anthony was fined $100, which would have ended this for her. She refused. "Not a penny will go to this unjust claim"

Perhaps if ANYONE in the @WhiteHouse knew basic history, they stop insulting those far greater than they.
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