OK, so I am back on the #NeverBiden bandwagon again. There had been a time when I hoped Biden would beat Trump; that time has passed. Here's why:
Firstly, I am still angry that Obama and the DNC rigged the Primary to steal it from Bernie - AGAIN. That has not changed. 1/17
What's different now is that reports have surfaced showing that Obama and the Dem elites KNEW that Joe Biden was an incompetent "fuckup" (Obama's words); that he was suffering mentally and no longer had the acumen necessary to mount a credible, strong, competitive campaign.2/17
Biden's incompetence was why Obama did not want him to be the one to carry the "Obama legacy". This is why Obama had forbidden Biden from running in 2016 and why Obama refused to endorse his "good friend' and VP of 8 years in the 2020 Primary. 3/17
So - Obama and the Democratic elite KNEW that by fixing the Primary to make Biden the nominee, they were taking a huge risk that Donald Trump could win a second term. And yet they were willing to take that risk in order to "STOP BERNIE." 4/17
This means that - if Dems are to be believed - Obama and his cohorts were willing to risk a fascist coup, race genocide, nuclear Armageddon and planetary extinction due to Climate Change - just so they could deny healthcare to poor people and keep their donors happy. 5/17
So I say FUCK THEM for that. If they are willing to risk 4 more years of Trump, then so am I. 6/17
SECONDLY, other reports have surfaced showing that the Biden Administration will be an *exact reproduction* of the Obama Administration. Biden's advisors, his likely cabinet picks and of course his overall policy positions will almost perfectly mirror those of Obama. 7/17
Biden ran on a promise to deliver the "status quo ante" - to return us to "normalcy" - which to the corporate elitists in DC means the quiet destruction of the working class that took place under the neoliberal disaster of the "no drama Obama" years. 8/17
Well, we all know the results of that "normal" Obama Administration: it ended by giving us Donald Trump. Obama saved Wall Street and screwed Main Street SO HARD that people were ready to take a chance on a blustering game show host who promised to bring their jobs back. 9/17
THIRDLY - I had feared that 4 more years of Trump would mean a severe crackdown on protest and dissent. I also assumed such repression would not occur under Biden and we would be able to keep the momentum & protests going. I now believe that this assumption was WRONG. 10/17
Trump actually learned how to repress peaceful protesters from OBAMA. When Trump had his call with the Governors he praised Obama's handling of the Occupy Movement in 2011; how Obama used his DOJ and the FBI to launch a coordinated, violent crackdown on Occupy movements. 11/17
He dispatched the Occupy protesters so brutally and efficiently that Trump described Obama's actions as "beautiful." So, given that a Biden WH would be a replay of the Obama WH, I no longer believe that peaceful protest will be more possible under Biden than under Trump. 12/17
FINALLY, I firmly believe that a return in 2020 to the Obama/Clinton neoliberal doctrine, that aloof, arrogant, elitist government of the corporate Democrats, will AGAIN yield the same result: the election of a far right faux-populist authoritarian in 2024. 13/17
I believe that with Trump we dodged a bullet in that his inexperience and incompetence at pulling the levers of power prevented him from doing as much damage as he could have. 14/17
But I also believe that if we have another 4 years of neoliberal failure whatever right wing demagogue comes after Trump will be more experienced, more competent in how DC works, more ruthless, and thus MUCH more dangerous. 15/17
If Trump wins it will give the Progressive movement the opportunity to keep their momentum going, to have another "blue wave" in 2022 and elect even more Progressives to Congress, and to hopefully elect a true Progressive in the next Presidential election cycle. 16/17
In this way America can be transformed into a more egalitarian, more small "d" democratic society.
And so I believe that by opposing Biden in 2020 I am actually saving the country in 2024. 17/17
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