Bitcoin has a branding problem. While we might not care this is largely reducing Bitcoin's accessibility to the masses.

And while #Bitcoin is an amazing technology in itself, I believe the missing link lies in leveraging its culture, the #Hodlculture.

Thread + article👇🐔
The Hodl culture not only has a basic understanding of Bitcoin, but coded inside its DNA are philosophical beliefs of btc as hard money, self-sovereignty, safety & behavioural heuristics such as long-term investing & stick to bitcoin.
Most importantly, the Hodl culture has the memes! It's humorous in the midst of Bitcoin's tumultuous volatility.

Shine or Rain, Lambos or Rekt, Bitcoin hodlers are emotionally resilient because of the community, and surely the memes help.

Thanks 2 @BitcoinMemeHub
The Hodl culture is also the 🔑 to falsifying mainstream notions of Bitcoin as 'speculation' and 'ponzi scheme'.

For God's sake, Hodlers suffer through years-long winters and constant tsunami-like volatility. They bleed, sweat and think long-term.

#Revolutionaries @danheld
Shout-out to some of the 'true hodlers' out there that have been the key to my understanding of Bitcoin. The variety in this team is emblematic of how borderless Bitcoin is: @pierre_rochard @saifedean @aantonop @NickSzabo4 @mike_giglio @BitcoinMemeHub @nic__carter @danheld @lopp
And s shout-out to the great podcasters that have helped me navigate the rabbit hole and kept me hodling 📢
@PeterMcCormack @laurashin @TFTC21 @stephanlivera @CitizenBitcoin @APompliano
And a "super thank you" to @paulamagal1 and @lwsnbaker for your invaluable edits and comments! 🙏 😊
You can follow @metamick14.
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