Insight from NoFe on how ROX Tigers' famous Miss Fortune Support from 2016 Worlds came to be (Feat. KangQui)

NoFe: "At the time, the meta was centered around the laning phase of the bottom lane. Ashe and Jhin were played for ADC, while Zyra and Karma were played as supports."
NoFe: "After the Quarterfinals, we were scrimming with, I believe RNG, who had Uzi and Mata at the time. Our bottom lane was having a difficult time against the RNG duo in scrims. GorillA especially struggled with the Zyra/Karma matchup at the time."
NoFe: "We continued with our scrims, but we just couldn't win. Our bottom lane was struggling in the laning phase, and we were having trouble transitioning to mid-game in our current predicament. We had to find a solution, but GorillA wasn't confident about Zyra or Karma."
NoFe: "Our plan was simple. Since the meta was so chaotic at the time, we just needed to find a surefire way to win the bottom lane. It did not matter what support or what ADC champion we play, as long as we could win lane. So I asked my players what they wanted to play."
NoFe: "Zyra was OP at the time, only Karma was viable against it. Zyra was broken because of her plants, and it was important that we come up with a way to get rid of it instantly. We brainstormed and came to the conclusion that ADC champions were great at getting rid of plants."
NoFe: "The first thing I suggested was Ashe support. Ashe as an ADC was good at getting rid of plants, so it should work when she's played as support. In fact, it should be even better, since she will be accompanied by another ranged ADC champion."
NoFe: "Ashe support was good. She provided both vision with her Hawkshot, and CC engage tools with her Enchanted Crystal Arrow. However, it would fall off so hard as the game went on, she would get reduced down to a CC shuttle with her slows and ultimate. So we abandoned it."
NoFe: "Out of all the many different ideas, we at one point considered Vel'Koz. Eventually, we briefly tried out Miss Fortune ADC. GorillA suggested this one, claiming that she was quite adept at getting rid of plants. Right on, so we tried out Miss Fortune ADC and Ashe support."
NoFe: "Miss Fortune ADC and Ashe support were amazing at getting rid of Zyra plants. Zyra couldn't play the game at all. But Miss Fortune ADC was quite frankly awful. So I just said 'let's switch it around!'. It was that simple. We'll go with Ashe ADC and Miss Fortune support!"
NoFe: "So we tried this new composition and it worked out amazingly in lane. Whenever Zyra summoned a plant, it would disappear instantly. And when we hit lv. 6, Ashe would use ult on Zyra, and Miss Fortune would just go "Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah" with her ult and Zyra would be dead."
NoFe: "We knew that this was it. We first tried it out against Samsung Galaxy, and they got crushed by it. After the fifth/sixth game, they started banning it out against us. That's when we realized, we had in our hands an OP pick. But then we ran into another issue."
NoFe: "Miss Fortune support by itself wasn't that strong. At the time, we were running AP build on Miss Fortune since her 'E' skill had AP scaling and we wanted to have a strong laning phase. Obviously, it would fall off as time passed."
NoFe: "While we were pondering what to do with this, SSONG, who was at my side, turned around and said to me "NoFe, how about an AD build? Miss Fortune's ultimate has AD scaling, so let's just go lethality to provide armor penetration."
NoFe: "At the time, we didn't consider how it will strengthen Miss Fortune, but how it will provide armor penetration with lethality so that our ADC's damage would be amplified. But when we tried the combo, Ashe didn't do much other than ult. Miss Fortune took care of the rest."
NoFe: "And we knew. We had to use this. We couldn't lose if we do. This was something that was bestowed down to us from the heavens in order for us to win."
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