So we are terfs, we are "killing ppl!"
How do we do that? We demand that women retain the right to undress without males, have female-only places to recover from male violence, a name for our type of body, are recognised as a sex class independent from males in law.
We are evil.
But I thought evil ppl wanted to harm others, not protect themselves from well-known, well-understood threats. Women know men and have often been hurt by them, society knows that cross dressing is a sexual fetish.
All we want is not being conflated with our potential abuser.
But we are evil because we claim our difference from males, we demand boundaries. We need them because they are so often violated.

What this movement is, is abusive. They don't want to let us exist without them, they want permanent access.
Are we wrong to object?
Are we monsters because we don't accept them as the same as us? Don't believe a person born male & socialised as male who enjoys performing a sexualised version of femininity can understand what it is like to be born &raised a girl &go on to become a woman in a man-made world?
No. We are not monsters, we are not evil. We wish harm on no one. But we are asked to let others harm us. We are being gaslighted and abused. We know it and it must stop.
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