Here's the essential lesson you can learn from this: For good or ill, Israel policy in America is—and has always been—set by the 98% of Americans who are not Jewish, not the 2% who are. Those who claim a "Jewish lobby" controls US policy are toxic conspiracy theorists, full stop.
Non-Jewish American presidents have long made decisions about Israel for non-Jewish reasons. Sometimes, they'll later point to Jews who agree w/ them as support, but the tiny number of US Jews are never the ones who make the call. (Other minorities are familiar w/ this dynamic.)
I frankly appreciate Trump making this dynamic explicit, because far too many people—and not just on the right—do not get this basic fact.
One last point: I've seen a bunch of people who don't know much about this stuff say evangelicals support Israel b/c of an end times fantasy. But most (not all) just do it b/c they admire Jews as fellow biblical people. There's academic research on this:
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