1/ The @washingtonpost newsroom is a magical place, filled with smart, funny and talented people. But even amid such a crew, night news director Anne Ferguson-Rohrer, who died early this morning at 58, stood out as exceptional. Let me explain.
2/ Anne was fierce, and could be scary when your stories ran long or you were late filing copy. She was also hilarious, and generous, and getting a few extra inches from her yielded a great sense of satisfaction. She was almost regal at times, when she awarded such dispensation.
3/ She was a leader for women in the newsroom, providing an example of how you could adhere to high standards while also having a life outside the paper. She could prepare a mean brunch - along with her dear friend @AmyEGardner - providing a gathering place for her colleagues.
4/ Her loss is so massive there is no way to capture it in words. I am aching for her family. But all I can say is that as extraordinarily painful as her death is, I consider myself beyond lucky that I got to work alongside her for more than two decades.
5/ I will always try to live up to your exacting standards, Anne. And in doing so, it will remind me of given everything you have done for me and the rest of our crew.
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