And we’re back with our semi-regular feature #InTheLoveseat. We've been planning our feature on Corey Alexander @TGStoneButch for the last month and had been in contact w/ them about what to highlight. We were stunned along with everyone else when their passing was announced.
We debated if we should release this, but think Corey’s legacy should be shared widely. Corey blogged abt queerness, disability, kink, trauma, and fat politics, and was an author as Xan West. They were a valuable member of Romancelandia, let’s look at just some of the reasons...
Melinda 🐧 uses Corey’s lists all the time when she's looking for specific books. She cannot emphasize enough how helpful these lists are on a regular basis.
Romance Sparks Joy benefited enormously from Corey’s advice over the past year and half. They told us when we messed up with kindness and grace. They answered every question we asked them with thoughtfulness and wisdom. E 📎 writes everything as if Corey were reading it.
As you can see Corey’s loss has left a massive hole in Romancelandia, one that no one can fill and will be felt for years. I think Corey’s friend puts it best so I will just link to their words here:
You are missed so much already, Corey. Rest in peace.
We wanted to add this for anyone who would like to share memories of Corey or read about their legacy. Claudie is hosting a guestbook on their site.
And Smart Bitches is hosting a Virtual Minchah and Kaddish this Friday for anyone who would like to attend.
You can follow @sparkjoyromance.
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