White Genocide & The Pathetic State of The White Race: A Thread

I have never seen a group of people vote itself out of systemic replacement, specially when over half of it either does not mind it or actually wants it. It is like the White race has lost its will to live.
I apologize in advance for any errors which I might have made while typing this since English is not my first language. I hope you understand.

Sometimes when I wake up I do not want to get up. Nothing motivates me besides individual goals. We are weak and we have lost our sense of unity. There is no longer a collective goal. There is nothing to get up for.

I wake up, I do push-ups and I do planks. Then I drink coffee while reading what is happening around me. After that, I run on my treadmill while thinking about what I read and then get on with my day. I do this to stay in shape. I also have a healthy and vegetarian diet.

I am an environmentalist, which is why I study energy engineering. I want to work with France's nuclear facilities and make nuclear energy as effective and clean as possible. I want our people to have contact with nature once again.

I want trees and flowers to be seen everywhere, including in big cities. I believe technological development and environmentalism can coexist if done right, specially if nuclear energy is primarily used to produce energy.

I also donate to and sometimes work for organizations dedicated to helping animals, such as stray cats. I have taken four cats from the streets for myself and twelve for others. I absolutely adore cats and the many wonders of nature.

Those of you who know me better know I am not a Christian, but that I do believe in the spiritual. However, you could not call me an actual European Pagan. I am slowly studying the original religion of Europe, though. I might become one in the future.

I want France and the rest of Europe to be beautiful. I want them to be filled with green. I want the beauty of nature and gothic architecture to be seen everywhere in France. I want a clean enviroment for Europe in which the values of our race are shown.

My perfect society is one in which nature and beauty are treasured and promoted. We must strive for excellence. The beauty of our race and our ideals must be relfected in everything we do and our religion must be one of blood, soil and race.

In short, while I do focus on individual goals, such as studying and bettering myself physically, I always have a collective goal in mind because I believe that collectivism must be the common purpose among us. Individualism will not get our society anywhere.

However, it is difficult to maintain this positive attitude when literally everything around you falling apart. Our cultural decay scares me and it should scare you. We are culturally destroying ourselves. This has never happened in human history in such a large scale.

In the beginning of this thread, I showed information taken directly from the United Nations which clearly show that White Genocide is happening and that it is systemic. They simply use a different term to it: Replacement Migration. It literally means less White people.

Remember that our common understanding of genocide is incomplete. The United Nations uses a more complex definition of it and we can safely say that systemic genocide is happening to White people according to definitions A, C and D.

Definition A is currently happening in Africa, where White people are literally tortured and then murdered by blacks who simply want revenge. Definitions C and D are happening in the Western World through diversity, non-White immigration en masse and propaganda.

African governments actually encourage political measures that lead to White Genocide. This has happened in Zimbabwe. This is currently happening in South Africa. This will happen in White countries once blacks become the majority. History repeats itself.

Governments of the Western World also support White Genocide. I will leave here a link to a really good video which is twelve minutes long that talks about White Genocide in France made by Gallia Daily. Please watch it and join the channel. https://t.me/GalliaDaily/1471

We also have many videos of people openly talking about White Genocide and admitting that it is planned. This video of Barbara Spectre is short and goes straight to the point. We know exactly who is behind this and they are very outspoken about this.

This clip of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is also really good. In this speech, he openly calls for race mixing and says that it is a challenge of our century which France has to face and that we should conform to it. He is one fourth Jewish, by the way.

In other words, we have documents from the United Nations, videos and books which prove that the systemic replacement of Whites is happening. However, it is still considered a conspiracy theory. This clip from Yuri Bezmenov explains why this happens.

If you still do not know who Yuri Bezmenov was, please watch this video after reading this thread once you have time. It is essential for us to understand why our world is what it is today.

We do not do anything because we have been stripped off of our racial identity. We have been demoralized and we have become dependent on a system which is currently working against us. The White race is in a pathetic state.

Once you get redpilled and see the world for what it really is, there is no going back. Sometimes I wish I were never redpilled. Knowing what is happening in our society today sickens me. If everyone knew what was stolen from us, we would be lynching people in public.

Knowing what has happened to our people fills me with monstrous hatred. We have lost two generations of people in bloody wars for nothing. Even those soldiers who supposedly won the wars would not have wanted to win had they known what would happen to their countries.

Have you thought about this? Those young men who stormed Normandy and faced actual hell literally died in vain. We murdered each other for nothing. We did not win a single thing. Instead, we received a system which is alien to us and does not represent what we are.

This sick consumerist mentality which dictates how the modern world works is hideous to human nature. Our very essence is meaningless to it. Culture, race and ethnicity have no meaning. We are no longer culturally, racially or ethnically aware.

You know we live in a ridiculous world when White people are protesting other White people for being White people. Whenever we stand up for something, other Whites are the first to hold us down. Our race is being replaced and we are too afraid of being called a racist.

Our ancestors have given their lives for us and for our countries to be safe. Our countries were passed down only to us. Nevertheless, we are literally giving everything up out of fear to the descendents of those who attacked our lands in the past.

We are demonized every single day by the mainstream media and everything is falling apart, even the core of our societies: the family. Masculine men and feminine women are seen as bad. We are told to not have kids.

War has become peace, slavery has become freedom, the artificial has become natural and diversity has become our strength. All of this is done by fiendish, subversive forces which are leading to the self-destruction of the White race. We have lost our will to live.

Our cultural decay should scare us. Degeneracy is promoted every single day to no end. We are currently living in an international Weimar Republic, but some of us simply say it is only a matter of time until we change this horrific situation.

Some say that at some point White people will have enough. Some say that our patience will run out. It certainly will, but do you seriously think that when it does we will actually have a chance of fighting back? I fear we are fighting a lost war.

The fact is that we have become too comfortable. We cannot simply stop our lives right now and join a greater fight. We cannot quit our jobs or our studies. We currently depend on a system which is leading us to our doom and we cannot stop it.

In other words, we will only do something once we can no longer study or work. We will only do something when we are literally being tortured and then murdered just like in South Africa. In a way, we need chaos to break this barrier which prevents us from acting.

If you think about it, it is good that those who are invading our countries are committing crime, murdering us and raping our women. It would be worse if they just came here and peacefully bred us out of existence. This chaos helps us become racially aware.

I hope that you have understood by now that we will only do something when we have complete chaos. The problem is that we do not know how chaotic the situation will be. What will our numbers be when we actually fight? Also, how many of us will actually fight?

Let us take South Africa as an example. Every single White in South Africa is already dead because they are severely outnumbered, they just do not know it yet. If we become a minority in our own countries, blacks will treat us in the same way. What will happen then?

We no longer have masculine men who are willing to fight for a greater cause. When are we going to have another leader? When are we actually going to unite and fight together? Should we even have a leader? Can a movement with no leader or unity work?

The last time this happened it was in the Weimar Republic, but we are not what the Germans of that treacherous time were. We have way more of our own against ourselves than they had and we are currently severely demoralized. They had the guts to burn the degeneracy.

German national socialism was incredible. We will never ever get to that level of excellence and devotion for a collective European cause against subversion and its degeneracy. We are not even half of what those men and women were.

If you still do not get it, over half of us blindly believe that evil, straight, White men are in power and that they are the source of all evil. Moreover, this percentage of us actually wants or does not care about our replacement. Other Whites are our biggest enemies.

We will either become the greatest generation of Europeans to ever exist or the very last one. We have to choose between extremism and extinction. Whether you like it or not, a great racial conflict is coming and your race will be your uniform.

In summary, the White race has become too weak and pathetic. Other Whites are our biggest problem. No one will do anything until we get to South African levels of race tensions and when that happens, it might be too late. I fear we are fighting a lost war.

You must remember the generations of Europeans that were forced to murder each other. Allied Powers soldiers would not have fought had they known what their countries would become. Too many people have died already and we must honor them no matter what.

Let us take the British soldiers as an example. Do you think that they were fighting in the name of diversity? They were fighting because they thought that the Germans were going to invade their countries and literally murder everyone.

Do you think that they would like the fact that London and other important British cities are less than 50% ethnically British? Of course they would not. They were fighting to preserve and protect their countries, but now we are fighting for the exact opposite.

The worst part about all of this is that I will not live long enough to see what will happen to our race. Are we going to unite and secure our existence? Are we going to create somewhat of an ethnostate? Are we going to be replaced and forgotten?

Thank you for reading.
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