Volume 5 of the Senate's report on Russian active measures and interference in the 2016 election is out. 1/x https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf
The report calls Konstanin Kliminik a Russian intelligence officer and suggests he may have been aware of the hack and leak operation. 2/x
Nice to see similar conclusions to our own show up in the report. In August 2016 we told Bloomberg that DCLeaks lacked the juice of Wikileaks to have the effects the GRU sought and so they pivoted. Reminder of the limitations of personas. Not as good as established sources. 3/x
The division of labor between APT28 and Sandworm during the 2016 election ops is clarified. APT28 (26165) ran the intrusion of Democratic targets (the hack). Sandworm (74455) ran the influence ops (the leak). Sandworm also hit election infrastructure. Congrats @a_greenberg. 4/x
A very limited look at other GRU hack and leaks ops. My guess is the omitted bits include #MacronLeaks and the AnonPoland and Fancy Bear Hack Team personas involved in the Olympics shenanigans. There were more though. Russian had help from US figures with #Macroneleaks too. 5/x
After screwing up and tying DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 together, a series of messages passed between the two personas. Probably an attempt to suggest they weren't tied to a single operation based on the expectation that their messages would be read. OPSEC in reverse ( @grugq). 6/x
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