Suffragists like Mabel Ping-Hua Lee, Zitkála-Ša & Nina Otero-Warren helped get the 19th over the finish line— but, due to racist barriers universal suffrage still isn't a reality.
As legal scholar @JulieCSuk wrote in her new book We the Women about the founding mothers of the ERA:

“It was not easy for women to get the right to vote without the right to vote."
Black suffragist (& fashion icon) Mary Church Terrell risked arrest picketing the White House w Alice Paul in 1917.

After the 19th Amendment was ratified, she personally went to Paul & exhorted her to continue the campaign for suffrage until ALL women could vote.

She refused.
Undeterred by white lady nonsense, Mary Church Terrell carried on the battle for the enfranchisement of Black women through organizations she helped found like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the National Association of Colored Women.
In 1923 Alice Paul introduced the first version of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

In 1948 Mary Church Terrell took the high road & testified before Congress in *favor* of the ERA, saying, “It is absolutely necessary for women to secure the rights for which they are asking..."
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