We have to stop talking about the Black community as if it is one blob of society. There are a whole host of intellectual thinkers and doers from the entire political spectrum. No one group has solved what ails us but many have tried. I proposed we have those tough talks.
For example, many right leaning thinkers have held conversations on the direction of right leaning thought and public image. Rhetoric used today has been challenging those with larger platforms to think deeper about what it means to be Black in America. Its not one answer.
I am pretty sure that I and many that I follow have varying diversity of what will work for us more forward. And these discussion must take place despite upsetting those comfortable with their place in the party spotlight.
America as a whole is shifting not just us.
And we cannot get there with stagnant or stringent thinking. That is why I appreciate people who disagree with me or challenge how I see thinks. I won't ignore people like @CJTS7006 that tell it like it is. Because @SonnieJohnson @CoachFelecia @JeffOnTheRight challenge us
It is not enough anymore to be on the side lines when people want answers for America. If we are great, why can't we fix our issues. Are we just pointing at each other? What does that do? Let us not only feel exceptional but be exceptional. We need all hands on deck!
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