So a thread about this year's record-breaking #EDSBSCharityBowl that concluded Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
To catch everyone up: Every year we raise money for @newampaths, a refugee resettlement and service organization in Atlanta. This being 2020, it's a tight year for them and the people they serve: New arrivals to the United States. (Who are still arriving, believe it or not.)
The previous record was around $185k for last year's. And without a website to anchor it or even some of our jobs to fund it, y'all smoked the old total easily for 2020.

Taking in all the recurring donations and corporate matches, the final total was over $450k.
That's money that will allow @newampaths to do a lot of things they didn't dream of doing this year, including rent assistance for clients who will badly need it come fall.

That's astonishing and you do it every year without fail and bigger and better each time.
So thank you for supporting the #EDSBSCharityBowl, thank you for giving money to @newampaths, and thank you for supporting a little bit of America being the America it should and can be at its best.

It's overwhelming and I can't really sum it up but that's all. Thank you.
p.s. finals, compiled by @HollyAnderson (who we owe everything to) and a volunteer UVA grad (who we owe muffins after this week_
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