Unreal. The private health insurance industry (where I once worked) is making record profits during a deadly pandemic... but it's not enough! They're so hungry to protect their billions they're now launching a war to stop Joe Biden's public option. Here's their absurd plan: (1/9)
The front-group for insurance & drug companies is running a major TV ad campaign during this week's Dem Convention to scare people away from the public option. The biggest joke of all: They're using the same exact lies & arguments they just used to stop Medicare For All. (2/9)
Remember how these corporations told Americans that Medicare for All was a government takeover that'd cost thousands in new taxes? They even got some politicians to parrot it. Well, it was a lie. And wouldn't you know it, they've dusted it off again for the public option. (3/9)
I know this playbook first-hand because, to my great regret, I helped write it. The idea is to make *any* reform to the current system seem like it would stop you from having control over your healthcare & cost way more. Both are lies. But there's a reason they tell them... (4/9)
The reality is that the current system gives Americans *hardly any* control. Can't pick which doctors are in your plan. Can't keep your plan if you change jobs. Can't pick which plans are offered by your job. Who does have control under this system? The insurance companies! (5/9)
And let's talk about cost. The current system charges Americans insane premiums, deductibles, co-pays & surprise bills. That's the reason millions go bankrupt from medical debt -- even people with insurance! No one should have to go on GoFundMe for help with medical bills. (6/9)
The insurance companies love this system because they gobble up billions in profits. But they know they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to consumer choice & cost. So instead of defending the current system, what do they do? Attack & spread lies about reforms. (7/9)
If you support a public option & are upset about how the industry is smearing this plan, please keep in mind that they did the same thing to Medicare for All. And they'll do the same thing for *any* other reform plan. The lesson: never trust the insurance industry's spin. (8/9)
Unlike other advanced nations, our healthcare system puts greed & profits over quality of care. The insurance industry likes that just fine. And they'll literally say or do anything to keep it in place.

Take it from me: You can assume every claim in their ads is false. (/END.)
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