It’s a deception to think that racism & the unborn are political issues

You should be able to be a Republican & believe Black Lives Matter

You should be able to be a Democrat & against abortion

You are an individual capable of moral choices that extend past political labels
I know we are super divided right now, but I also know how groupthink works, & sometimes I wonder if we were willing to step outside of the label of the group we feel we have to represent, & be willing to discuss issues as individuals, if we couldn’t find more common ground?
I’m willing to admit it’s possible I’m naive. I tend to see the good in all ppl. But I also know Communication Accomodation says that when I feel I have to represent a label, I will dig my heels in when I feel opposed, because I feel the weight of my group & not my individuality
So I think a lot of ppl when we swing with broad strokes feel the need to defend their group even if they don’t actually agree with them. I could get into how persuasion works but we rarely persuade ppl by shouting opposite beliefs. Persuasion best works by common ground
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