Thread: Why The State doesn’t need to be abolished for Anarchism to be realized.

Anarchism, as defined by it’s etymological roots, means “No Rulers”. From this, we can extrapolate that initiated coercion violates the principles of Anarchism by one subjugating another with force.
There are examples of Anarchism in every day of our lives. Going to associate with friends, trading, gifting, etc etc. The existence of a state doesn’t change these things inherently, although it does pull us out of a state of anarchism when it interacts with us.
There will always be people who coerce others, does this mean that Anarchism is impossible? No, as long as we recognize Anarchy as a state of being and less of a promised “society” With more and more technology, we’ll eventually be able to have more and more Anarchistic relations
Our strategy should, imo, be to create more and more spaces for Anarchism to flourish and escape the state’s eye, rather than trying to find a way to actively destroy the state itself (which counterintuitively will hollow out the state)
That’s it, sorry that was long and I could have done better to get the point across. Any comments and criticism is always welcome.
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