I really enjoyed my discussions with pro Brexit people on twitter detailing the benefits on trade & economy of Brexit. Often friendly - we might have disagreed but it was interesting.

Unfortunately, these petered out around 2018.

I never see these people here now.
Not one.
It’s why I never accuse every leave vote of being racist.

As I remember all the decent oft serious pro Brexiters from EFTAites & Brexit-as-catalyst-for-free-trade to constitutional-dignity Brexiters.

They’re all gone from here.

They know.

They’re just hoping for the best now.

It’s important to remember this.

It’s not just “our EU” that’s gone it’s these sort of people - intelligent, informed & polite - it’s “their Brexit” that’s gone too.

Everyone sensible knows this.

The debate is - literally - over.

Brexit is dead but its still happening.

Brexit is dead.
But It’s a zombie.
..& role of British society is now to do it in a way that doesn’t make the establishment look utterly stupid but simultaneously doesnt break up the UK.

This will be a decade long work that’ll eventually lead to aligning or rejoining the EU.

Climate change
China’s rise
Russia’s Decline
End of oil

All momentous things that’ll take a backseat to ensuring Brexit doesnt embarrass the establishment even as it shrivels the country.

Don’t fool yourselves - everyone in power knows this.

It’s why they’re so angry.

The establishment are angry because they hate Brexit. Especially Johnson.

You can see it in his eyes, his demeanour & words.

He literally hates Brexit.
He’s not stupid he knows.

He knows he’s tied his entire existence to brexit & he can barely bother to mouth the nonsense.

Now do this - put yourself in Boris Johnson’s shoes.

You literally hate Brexit. But you have to do it as all those poor people who didn’t go to university let alone Oxbridge, your “inferiors” who don’t understand life, believed in you.

How much must Johnson despise them?

That’s what’s going through Boris Johnson everyday.

He must carry on with this farce for the rest of his premiership - indeed life - to keep the respect of all the people he tricked so easily they actually believed him long after it became necessary not to believe anymore.

Nigel Farage has the “luxury of distance”. Any Brexit won’t be “his Brexit” so he can forget all about it and get back to whipping up hate against foreigners.

But Johnson is stuck.

He must rule a people he despises & pretends to love.

And next year will be worse than this.

I try to steer clear of psychology.
But from everything Johnson has said it’s clear he doesn’t believe in a Brexit outside the single market.

So I do wonder what saying the opposite everyday to people you know are too stupid to realise you were winging it does to a soul.

For Boris it must be a bit like finding yourself living in a town you hate with a partner you despise as your inferior that you must keep happy in oder to keep your job that now seems far less rewarding than you thought.

How many years do you that without cracking?
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