Let’s get English Lit trending for all the right reasons ⁦ @EngSharedFuture⁩ ⁦ @EnglishAssoc⁩ ⁦ @UnivEnglish⁩!
A degree in literature can help you to solve large scale human problems through encouraging you to hone your analytical and problem-solving skills: https://hbr.org/amp/2017/07/liberal-arts-in-the-data-age
As @ProfKatyShaw points out, “Learning from the past, in the present, for the future, the study of English Literature opens you up to new ways of thinking, reading, and writing” & you learn a swathe of other cool skills along the way. https://www.englishandmedia.co.uk/blog/from-shakespeares-stage-to-the-digital-page-why-study-english-literature
And here are another 18 reasons to study English Lit from @BobEaglestone, @gm181 & Barbara Bleiman: https://www.englishandmedia.co.uk/blog/why-study-english-18-good-reasons-for-doing-an-english-degree
And here is another thread that beautifully puts how significant studying literature is: https://twitter.com/gina_keithley/status/1295730167801958412?s=21 https://twitter.com/gina_keithley/status/1295730167801958412
Texts exist in the world. They tell us something about ourselves and our agency. They enable us to pause, reflect and understand a bit better the sometimes baffling world around us and the legacies we have inherited.
The advanced analytical skills studying English at degree level require us to marry literary texts ŵ philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history, theology, politics, theory and yes, even STEM: it does not exist in isolation. It provides us ŵ a host of transferable skills.
You can follow @RachelJWillie.
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