
Continues to conflate meanings

This Wins the argument but lose the campaign

Universal healthcare does not just mean Medicare for All

And M4All doesn’t always mean as what Sanders intended

Places where M4All polled well voters rejected candidates that supported it
In politics you don’t create gray areas in the manner Briahna does

It’s where the opposition can walk in and swoop up your voter.

2 Bernie supporters in an attempt to swarm me viciously end up attacking each other

They couldn’t agree if M4All included insurance
Universal healthcare encompasses a lot of approaches

It could look like France
And the Netherlands

All different approaches and everyone likes something different.

There is not 81% agreement on a particular approach that is a Lie.

Its hard to run on a lie
Gray like a street hustler moves data around

Taking polls that talks about beverages to specifically mean their form of prune juice

We have a progressive platform- period

We reflect our constituents best- period
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