1/14 @TheDemocrats I am begging you to read this thread.

In 2019, when those of us who choose to earn a living as independent contractors realized your plan was to roll out ABC Test labor legislation nationwide, we thought you'd made an oversight. You started in California...
2/14 ... and then tried in New Jersey and New York with the same bills, which impose the 1930s ABC Test for labor law on our economy here in the year 2020.

Your message was that the law had to change because gig companies like Uber were out of control, misclassifying workers...
3/14 ... as independent contractors when they should have been employees with benefits. People like me--who make up the 70-80% of people who consistently say we prefer IC work--figured we were accidentally caught in the crosshairs of this policy, and that you'd exempt us ...
4/14 ... once you realized the net you were throwing at Big Tech was actually hitting us middle-class little guys instead.

It's been almost a year since we started speaking up, and speaking out, about how these ABC Test labor laws will bankrupt us, and still, your plan ...
6/14 ... the full knowledge that the ABC Test law that went into effect in California on Jan. 1 has destroyed thousands of people's careers in hundreds of professions (see #AB5stories). It has hurt writers, musicians, physical therapists, cartoonists, graphic artists ...
7/14 ... and all kinds of other people who have nothing to do with Big Tech like Uber. These were people living happy, successful lives, doing what they wanted to do, exactly the way they wanted to do it. Some have been bankrupted by your ABC Test policy.

Your message ...
8/14 ... at the @DNC convention this week is that we need honest leadership in the White House, that the country needs to come together and have serious, honest policy discussions to move the nation forward.

I am begging you to start practicing what you preach. ...
10/14 ... as if independent contractors like me do not exist.

Studies show there are 10-50 million of us in this country, and 70-80% of us want to remain ICs. When you act like we don't even exist, and push a policy that will bankrupt us, that is not honest leadership. ...
11/14 ... That is putting partisan talking points over people's lives. It is behaving exactly the way we see @realDonaldTrump behaving. And it is just as wrong when you do it as it is when he does it.

If you want to stick with an ABC Test labor law policy ...
12/14 ... then at least tell the truth about what it does, based on what has happened in California. It causes millions of Americans to lose their careers, all while the government and tech giants fight endlessly in the courts. That's the reality we all can see happening. ...
13/14 Those of us who actually support what you're selling at the @DNC convention this week--a return to honest discourse in the public square--are disgusted at seeing you say one thing while doing another on ABC Test labor law. ...
14/14 Please, do better. Tell the whole truth about ABC Test legislation, modify it so that it doesn't destroy careers like mine, and make sure we have labor laws that actually work for us all.

#IRSnotABC #FightForFreelancers
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