Imagine tracking samples by identifying snippets of music that have been tagged - peice by piece - and stored in the blockchain.
Then attach an oracle to the source material (the song) and compare new releases music to that database.
Then have the licensing <thread>
Terms in a smart contract and apply the licensing fee with each sale.
Automatic payment to songwriters and publishers w h NO negotiation.
You would capture it at the pith of the river” since lost music is distributed across the major streamers in almost every market <thread>
Most of the tech already exists so it would be relatively easy to build.
You could attach a unique ID (and smart contract!) to each tiny snippet of sound from the recording - say 1/2 second increments - and then simply deduct the sampling fees from the actual stream <thread>
These are just quick thoughts but making each “song” into a huge number of “elements” (chords could be a distinct element apart from song snippets) that are uniquely identifiable would make licensing much more interesting. <thread>
Mobile game devs could buy a 3 second snippet from their fave song. EU licensing differences for game royalties (performance wise) would be instantly tabulated and shared - no need for pub admins.
You could build an API and just allow game devs to buy what they needed <thread>
Most of the music royalties in mobile gaming are lost due to retransmission of music in games (on twitch for example).
There is also no easy way for game devs to ensure that music composers get their publishing - this would make that much easier to track.
#NFTs would make much of the publishing administration around #music #royalties pretty unnecessary.
The irony isn’t that #streaming services like #Spotify aggregate all of the music in one IP pool.
It makes engineering around royalty collection MUCH simpler than in the past.
You can follow @chrismoye_esq.
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