People in authority keep talking about ‘children not being efficient transmitters’ of COVID-19. In that statement they broad-brushstroke the majority of students who are older & in same category as adults #BCed /1
And ignore that science is evolving even on that statement.

Next they focus on the ‘kids don’t get as ill’ Two key points here, the first is, we don’t know which previously healthy kids become severely ill. This isn’t predictable. /2
We do know that disabled/chronically ill kids are more vulnerable. This is a segment of the population that already has trouble receiving equitable access to education. I haven’t seen any data on *how many* kids this represents #BCed /3
Messaging has focused on students somehow being island unto themselves. But they live in households/families that may include those who are immunocompromised. Sure, a student may recover from Covid-19, how do they recover from bringing it to a vulnerable loved one? #BCed /4
Everywhere we’re getting messages that
1. Physical Distance
2. Keep your contact #s small
3. Hand Hygiene
4. Masks when you can’t distance

But somehow 1, 2, & 4 are now irrelevant when students are going back to school. It’s nonsensical. #BCed /5
I have no confidence that my daughter, or my family will be safe until in person class sizes allow for physical distancing & require masks.

The #BCed plan has no logical consistency with any other #bcPoli or BC/Federal public health messaging
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