Per Senate Intellgence Committee, Konstantin KILIMNIK — who Manafort provided internal Trump campaign polling data to — is "a Russian intelligence officer."
The committee wasn't able to determine why Manafort shared polling data with KILIMNIK but also suggested he might have been connected to the hack and dump of Democratic emails by the GRU.
The committee was still actively pursuing the investigation early this year. It subpoenaed EMIN AGALAROV during his visit to NYC on Feb. 20.
The Senate report — even more extensive than the Mueller investigation — paints a far more devastating picture of Russian intelligence operatives' access to the Trump campaign, describing far more insidious connections than even Mueller did in his report.
Senate report indicated Roger Stone drafted pro-Russia tweets for Trump at Trump's request during the campaign.
Number of KILIMNIK mentions in Senate Russia report: 819

Number of KILIMNIK mentions in House GOP Russia report: 0
OBSTRUCTION: The Senate committee concluded that Donald Trump Jr. and Felix Sater may have obstructed their investigation by leaning on a fake joint defense agreement.

The committee declined to litigate it because of "time and resource considerations."
Apparently, Kushner, Don Jr. and K.T. McFarland all appeared unaware that they were part of a joint defense agreement
THIS is the account that the Senate intel committee says is KILIMNIK's alias.

Note the "Boris and Natasha" avatar.
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