I’m always amazed when I hear people on here say they don’t believe in the existence of cross-pressured or swing voters — I think of myself as one of the most out of touch people in the country and I know several personally.
A white cop and retired marine who doesn’t like rich people, voted Bush in 2004 but then Obama in 2008 after the economy crashed and again in 2012 because Romney seemed so out of touch but for Trump in 2016 as part of a BLM backlash.
A former rancher and Bush family enthusiast who admired the work ethic of the Mexican-Americans he worked with; alienated by Trump’s nativist tilt, didn’t vote in 2016, apalled by Trump’s conduct in office and ready to pull the lever for Biden.
Older Black guy, lifelong Dem, Hillary voter in 2016.

Very cynical about white people, thinks Trump is racist but no more so than any other powerful white person. Kinda misogynistic & tough on crime, was leaning Trump thanks to strong economy as of Feb — has he switched back?
I’m not any of those people, but they don’t strike me as particularly incomprehensible character types or anything.

These are the swing voters — not “moderates” out of a Brookings panel but conflicted due to multiple identities.
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