Listen... I'm just going to say it and I am tired of being nice about it. If you voted for Trump and you or your loved ones caught covid, you got exactly what you asked for. And I am not going to debate yall on it.
Yall have really been relying on racism to save you... as a white, you've been shielded from the worst that Trump has done as president. Along comes a virus that will kill you, and now you are rethinking your choice. It only took a global pandemic.
He called it a hoax and now that your goofy ass needs a ventilator, you get it. Now. Death shouldn't have to show up in your kitchen for you to practice a little empathy. I am so goddamn tired all of the "trump wasn't that bad until his incompetence affected me".
Fuck you. And fuck your health. Stop writing checks your ass can't cash. I really don't know how to explain to you that you should fucking care about other people. You voted for a sexist racist because you thought it wouldn't directly affect you...
and now he's willing to send you to work and your kids to school during a pandemic because the economy must go on. You voted for radical incompetence and you fucking got it.
I don't want to see your stories or your goddamn interviews about how it took meemaw dying for you to realize that maybe he isn't that great, that this country isn't that great and that he isn't going shit to make it great.
The rest of us have to make hard decisions and think of others, the future, the planet, etc ... and you are like "I want to vote for the guy who claims he is a billionaire because he has a hot wife and some day I will be a billionaire with a hot wife". Fuck. Outta. Here.
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