This actually bring up a crucial point and why Mormons struggle with white supremacy so much.

How many members know their ancestors stood among a crowd of thousands in Price, Utah to cheer and watch as the last lynching in the West took place?
How many saints are descendants of the men and women who forbade Black people from entering into the Hotel Utah while it was in operation?

How many are the descendants of the man (possibly more than 1 ) who murdered Thomas Coleman, a Black member who was seeing a white member?
Going even wider, how many saints are descendants from white members who didn’t condone the murder of Thomas Coleman, but used it as an example to warn their children away from “the appearance of evil” and to keep from being friendly to the Black children?
How many saints are the descendants of slave owners, who brought their slaves to Utah with them and have now twisted the lore to say they freed them but they stayed out of “familial love” and “duty”, even when records show they used them as tithing?
How many saints know their ancestors participated in the Native American slave trade and had one of 400 Indigenous children used in their homes as house servants?

Or closer to home, how many had grandparents or great grandparents who participated in the IPP?
Lastly, how many saints are the descendants of men and women who participated in hate crimes against BIPOC?

Who shed the blood of men, women, and children because of the color of their skin?
CW: sexual assault
How many don’t know their family trees extend outward from the loins of men who forsook their covenants made before men, angels, and God to commit the sin next to murder- sexual violence to BIWOC?
The answer: far too many who walk around in purposeful ignorance designed by their ancestors to craft a whitewashed and pleasant history for their descendants who go on to ver all denounce and attack the descendants of those and others harmed by their actions or inaction.
Because how many white grandparents and great grandparents in the Church stood by or condemned the Civil Rights movement?

How many stood on the sidelines and did nothing?

Far. Too. Many.
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