For 100th anniversary of #19thAmendment , this thread will review action in the 36 states needed to secure ratification (3/4 of 48 states) ending with Tennessee August 18, 1920. Enjoy!

Source for dates (and a terrific resource): #19thAmendment 1/x
To recap: the U.S. House adopted the amendment May 21, 1919 and the U.S. Senate followed suit on June 4, 1919

Here's my thread from June 4, 2019, 100 years after Senate action: #19thAmendment 2/x
ILLINOIS (ratified June 10, 1919, adopted revised resolution June 17, 1919) – While Illinois was the first state to vote to ratify what would become the #19thAmendment
WISCONSIN (June 10, 1919) – … Wisconsin actually got its ratification papers to D.C. just ahead of Illinois after ex-state Sen. David G. James (father of WI suffragist Ada James) raced to nation's capital by train. #19thAmendment
MICHIGAN (June 10, 1919) - 3rd state to ratify that day
KANSAS (June 16, 1919)

• Kansas held 1st statewide suffrage referendum 1867

• Susanna Madora Salter first woman to serve as a U.S. mayor (Argonia, KS 1887)
h/t @kansashistory
NEW YORK (June 16, 1919)

• 1st Women’s Rights Convention held 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY

• Shirley Chisholm (D) first Black woman elected to Congress (1968)
MASSACHUSETTS (June 25, 1919) - 8th state 
TEXAS (June 28, 1919)

• First Southern state to adopt amendment
• Minnie Fisher Cunningham of Galveston was 1st executive secretary of the national @LWV

(Legislature adopted same day as the signing of Treaty of Versailles)
IOWA (July 2, 1919) – 10th state to ratify

@LWV founder Carrie Chapman Catt grew up in Charles City, Iowa

@ChuckGrassley’s mother among 1st women to vote (PDF)
MISSOURI (July 3, 1919)

“Missouri must take the lead in this long-deferred justice to the state and the nation,” Gov. Frederick D. Gardner on June 12, 1919 calling for special session
ARKANSAS (July 28, 1919)

Hattie Caraway in 1932 was the 1st woman elected to the U.S. Senate
MONTANA (August 2, 1919) - governor certified legislature’s July 30 vote

• Montana voted for state suffrage amendment 1914
• Jeannette Rankin 1916 was the 1st woman elected to Congress 
NEW HAMPSHIRE (September 10, 1919)

NH 1st with women as governor, state House Speaker, state Senate president at same time

1st state w/ all-women Congress delegation

@SenatorShaheen 1st woman & @SenatorHassan 2nd to have been elected governor and U.S. senator (h/t @CAWP_RU)
CALIFORNIA (November 1, 1919) - 18th state to ratify (halfway to 36 needed)

CA narrowly adopted statewide suffrage amendment 1911

1st state to be represented simultaneously by 2 women in the U.S. Senate (Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer)
MAINE (November 5, 1919) - 19th state to ratify

Margaret Chase Smith (R) first woman to have served in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate
NORTH DAKOTA (December 1, 1919)

Laura Eisenhuth, elected ND state superintendent of public instruction in 1892, was first woman elected to statewide executive office in any state, per @cawp_ru
COLORADO (December 15, 1919) - 22nd state to ratify

1893: Colorado 1st state to enact equal suffrage by popular vote
RHODE ISLAND (January 6, 1920)

More on RI here:
KENTUCKY (January 6, 1920)

More on KY here:
OREGON (January 13, 1920) - 25th state to ratify
INDIANA (January 16, 1920)
WYOMING (January 27, 1920)

“Equality State” first U.S. territory and state to enfranchise women

Nellie Tayloe Ross was first woman to serve as governor (elected same day in 1924 as Miriam "Ma" Ferguson of Texas but inaugurated earlier)

More on WY:
NEVADA (February 7, 1920)

Nevada's Anne Martin was the first woman to run for the U.S. Senate (as an independent in 1918), per KNPR (she won 18%)

Nevada 1st first majority-women state legislature in U.S. history
NEW JERSEY (February 9, 1920)
IDAHO (February 11, 1920) – 30th state to ratify

Idaho in 1896 became one of the first states (all in the West) to grant women the right to vote
ARIZONA (February 12, 1920)
“There was an exhibition of expedition in the transaction of business that should awaken the emulation of future legislatures.” – The Arizona Republican newspaper

AZ first state to have had 4 women governors, per @CAWP_RU
NEW MEXICO (February 21, 1920)
OKLAHOMA (February 28, 1920) - 33rd state to ratify

How Women Got the Vote in Oklahoma (PDF):
WEST VIRGINIA (March 10, 1920)

WV Senate passed it after pro-suffrage Sen. Jesse Bloch rushed to Charleston from California vacation to break deadlock. Bloch took train; RNC offered plane but his wife didn’t want him to fly.
WASHINGTON (March 22, 1920) – 35th state to ratify (out of 36 needed)

WA in 1910 ratified a state women's suffrage constitutional amendment
TENNESSEE (August 18, 1920) - 36th state to ratify, giving the amendment the needed 3/4 of 48 states

Tennessee thread:

U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby made #19thAmendment official 8 days later, on August 26, 1920
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