Okay, everyone is focusing on the whip, but can we stop and consider EVERYTHING ELSE that is wrong with this photo please.

1) The fan. Why is the fan pointing the wrong way? The only reason to angle the fan that way is if he wants to make his farts linger in the room. /1
2) The desk clock that's on the windowsill. Who puts a desk clock behind them?!

"What's the time?"

"Hang on, I'll turn round and find out."
3) The mug.

- It's white. No one has a white work mug unless they're a sociopath.
- No tea or coffee stains
- It's too far away for his little Gavin arms to reach, without splaying himself on the desk.
- If his staff got it for him, it might be a twat mug and he's not noticed
4) The bin. Either that's a disproportionately tall desk bin, or he's got it on a cabinet. Who puts a bin on a cabinet?!
5) The phone. Again, it's too far away for his little Gavin arms to comfortably reach. He's going to be mashing at the buttons on it while draped over his desk.
6) The full in tray and empty out tray. DO SOME FUCKING WORK, GAVIN.
7) The desk tidy with an unopened reem of paper on it. There's NO WAY Gavin Williamson has ever restocked a printer/photocopier in his life. Look at him. LOOK. AT. HIM. He prints and runs.

Practice for his eventual job as a manager in a paper supplier in Slough? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
8) The empty blue folder. Why would you keep this on your desk? Maybe it has been there since 2010, and he intends to fill it with details of his political achievements?
9) The utter lack of any kind of computer.

"Gavin, can you put together a powerpoint presser?"

"No, but I can cosplay Indiana Jones instead if you like?"
10) The utter lack of blinds on that window behind him. It's probably a good job he DOESN'T have a computer, because he ain't gonna see that screen during Spring or Autumn.
11) Gavin Williamson is in it.

As usual, if you like my nonsense you can buy me a coffee if you like!

but be warned i will actually spend it on booze. https://ko-fi.com/garius 
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