Section F of the PL Handbook deals with the Owners’ and Directors’ Test. Here are a few key points
A person shall be disqualified from acting as a Director if he has
F1.1.1 failed to provide all relevant information
F.1.1.2 provided false, misleading or inaccurate information
This appears on the face of it to be the basis of the PL’s decision to delay the process. They can attempt to justify the delay because they allege that they do not have all the relevant information
However, Rule F.4 states ‘If any Person proposes to become a Director of a Club
F.4.1 the Club shall, no later than 10 Working Days prior to the date on which it is anticipated that such Person shall become a Director, submit to the Board a duly completed Declaration
in respect of that Person signed by him and by an Authorised Signatory, at which point that Person shall be bound by and subject to the Rules
F.4.2. within five Working Days of receipt therefore the Board shall confirm to the Club whether or not he is liable to be disqualified
as a Director under the provisions in Rule F.1, and if he is so liable the Board will take the steps set out in Rule F.6
Rule F.6. states Upon the Board becoming aware by virtue of the submission of a Declaration .... or by any other means that a Person is liable to be
disqualified as a Director under the provisions of Rule F.1., the Board will
F.6.1. give written notice to the Person that he is disqualified, giving reasons therefore, and (in the case of a Person who is a Director) require him forthwith to resign as a Director; and
F.6.2 give notice to the relevant Club that the Person is disqualified, giving reasons therefore, and (in the case of a Person who is a Director)in default of the Director’s resignation, it shall procure that within 28 days of receipt of such notice the Director is removed
The above highlights the power of the PL Board regarding the Owners’ and Directors’ Test but also suggests that the Board has not adhered to its own Rules. Supporters deserve an explanation of where we are in the process and why it has taken so long.
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