Tobi Lutke @tobi is the CEO of @Shopify

He is one of the most INSIGHTFUL business leaders out there.

And this is a thread breaking down some of his thoughts on lockdown and office culture.


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One of the main trends that COVID19 impacted was that it accelerated many technology trends.

what would have happened over a longer period of time, now has been much quicker due to the lockdown, humanity as a whole has had to rely on technology way more, to maintain normalcy.
One of the main takeaways on @tobi's view is that he believes we have seen the "end of office centricity"

Office Centricity is the belief that work should be done in the office, it is safe to surmise that the "office" is dead. Along with it "office culture" et al
@pmarca has often said that software is eating the world. This is another example of this.

"The office" has always been an abstract concept. It could be defined by "where knowledge work" has been done.

This abstract has now been dematerialised by software. And more will follow
As technology and software increase in terms of dominance of the world. more and more "work" or "labour" can be turned into knowledge work, which can be done more and more digitally. This trend is not one will be reversible anytime soon.

more and more work is moving remote.
@tobi predicts that only 20-25% of office workers will work in centralised offices. which also follows the trend that the digital world is making the world more decentralised. He also presums the demand is alot lower to work in offices.

He is also wanting to keep offices closed
@jack recently came out and offered remote work indefinitely.

Shopify CEO has said the same.
@tobi, has gone even further and has considered the effects on architecture.

Floor plans will change, people will no longer have open floor plans. How people congregate will forever change.

He also implies there will be an effect on "team building"
In the future, there will be digital only companies, where they have no head office, they are completely online. Quite a change and shock to what came in the past.

I predict alot of the roles that were localised, can now be opened up to people all around the world.
Another higher order effect of this the decentralisation and digitisation of the workforce i presume is that labour competition will increase, and companies become more diverse due to hiring talent all over the world.

hiring due to location will be a thing of the past.
This will affect house prices and land price, particularly in San Francisco, where a large portion Venture Capital went direct to landlords.

House prices will fall and we will see alot more people travelling and working, like @tferriss predicted.
there are already lot of "digital nomads" they will only increase.

this higher order effect of remote work, will accelerate 3rd world countries, and stabilising the world economy

the wealth effect will spill over into poorer economies
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