This is absolute bullshit. Courses of CBT did not 'cure' my chronic pain. I live with & managed chronic pain for the last 6 years- painkillers have been crucial for this, without which I would be completely fucked.
Using the NHS for chronic pain very much put to bed the idea I had that you were treated better with physical health problems compared to my experience of mental heath treatment. Both are woeful, just different kinds of woeful.
The only good experience of chronic pain management I had was time in a pain programme, run by a physiotherapist, psychologist & pain nurse, who looked at patients holistically, helped us develop skills to learn how to cope. It was one of few programmes in the UK.
The psychologist told me they found it hard to get CCGs to fund it because people aren't 'cured' by it- so they don't get their outcomes. Patients' quality of life was dramatically improved, but that didn't count as important enough. Very few places have these programmes.
I think about these women a lot, esp the psychologist, who gave me more support than she probably had to & I'm so grateful for her. It was the first time I ever felt like I was treated as a whole patient by people who genuinely got it. Fund THESE things ffs.
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