In #JapaneseFolklore there is a wish-granting #yokai known as hinnagami. Residing in dolls, these spirits can can grant their owner's every wish and make them very rich and powerful. Beware however as they also have a darker side...
Art by @matthewmeyerart
For every wish fulfilled the hinnagami will demand that another wish be made. This yokai is the result of human greed and the process carries on forever. Even when the hinnagami's owner dies it will follow them to hell and haunt them there forever.
Art: Kawai Manjou Studio.
To make a hinnagami involves a complex ritual of collecting earth from graves, shaping it into a doll, and then leaving it on the roadside to be trampled by one thousand people. Only then is it ready to begin granting its creator's wishes.
Art: DJ-Duskie at Deviant Art.
Information about hinnagami from: 
If you want to learn more about #yokai & #JapaneseFolklore & see more fantastic artwork like the one below from @matthewmeyerart, definitely visit 
Art:'hyakki yagyo' (night parade of 100 demons)
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