A couple of pedagogical thoughts about this

1/ https://twitter.com/Usherwood/status/1295667212506869761
Hopefully, part of the design of any HE provision this autumn was resilience to cope with new C-19 outbreaks and/or restrictions

(if your institution get that far, then they really need a talking to)

That might have included dual in-person/online provision, or simply online-only

But if we're going to have more instance like those we see in the US and/or a general return of second waves of infections, then we're going to have to revisit the models we're planning

That includes double-checking assumptions in those models about making shifts: do we have digital access covered for students & staff? Can we cope without even limited face-to-face group activities/socialisation, esp for new students? Are well-being units properly resourced?

In short, I'm guessing some of the resilience/flexibility in unis' model was "it's notionally there, but let's hope we're not actually using it": the sooner we properly pin it down, the better, for all involved

FWIW I think our own model is pretty good on this front, even if not the most elegant of approaches. And maybe for that reason
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