I lived in Sweden and in Denmark, where taxes are high relative to UK. Socially, tax evasion tends to be frowned upon much more than the UK bc net returns for tax are evident - good schools, free uni, young people's stipend, decent welfare, great healthcare, clean streets, etc
Economics is a social science, same disciplinary category as sociology or anthropology, but people wrongfully conceive it in same category as e.g. maths. Economics is mode of enquiry, and useful for looking at economies, human behaviour & social relations - its a subjective field
It's really frustrating when people see (higher) taxation systems in one place & project that model onto another place, with a completely different infrastructure & social world, describe the imagined and inaccurate outcome, and call that 'economics'. It isn't ! It's propaganda !
Economics is only worthwhile if handled as the social science it is because 'economics' is an abstract, robust enquiry depends upon studying economies, knows any assumptions we make about 'human nature' are questionable, and recognises burden of proof is on it not it's critics
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