Don't listen to anyone telling you that you're not *alpha* unless you date many women at once.

That's just bullshit and propaganda.

The narrative isn't complete, and nobody is ready to tell you that.

For the man who is looking to build an empire, one woman is enough.
You don't have to date 5 women to be a 'real man.'

"The definition of "real man" changes according to whatever the one making such definition wants out of you." - @LifeMathMoney
Most of these dating gurus have been terribly hurt in the past.

They are now *red pilled* and their revenge is to date as many women as possible.

"Yes, I'm the G, I sleep with 10 women a week."


"My sense of self worth is tied to how many women I sleep with."
This is also the reason why young men of nowadays feel they don't have time for a relationship, but rather need to focus on making money - which they don't.

They feel this way because they have been conditioned to think that if they must date, it must be 5 women at once.
But really think about it, will dating more trashy women fix the issue of the trashiness?

or you think you can make yourself immune to betrayal because you have many options.

"Haha, if you leave I have many other options, hahaha, I don't care."

- insecure alpha simp.
You don't want to get hurt so you date as many as possible.

But not being vulnerable means you don't get to enjoy being in that relationship.

You need to accept that for you to 100% enjoy a relationship, you must be vulnerable.
Life is beautiful because every moment might be our last.

There will always be a chance that what you've been working for will get destroyed.

If your romantic partner does not leave you, they might die.

Can you prevent that?

Focus on building meaningful relationships.
When RP dating coaches speak in absolutes, know that they are trying to sell you something.

Polygamy and monogamy depend on your values.

Choose the one that carries those values.

You don't have to go against your values because some dude in a Lamborghini said to do so.
If you are looking to sleep around, enjoy sex and *have a good time* go ahead and date as many women as you like.

The downside is that it will slow you down if you're trying to make a way for yourself

and apart from the sex, this has literally no ROI.
If you're looking for long term commitment - a relationship that will lead to marriage, I see no reason for you to date more than one woman at a time.

Monogamy is not *classless*
Polygamy is not *cool*

Your mind has been wired to think this way, rebel.
Instead of trying to date as many women as you can at once, be ruthless with your vetting.

Not every woman deserves you.

Do not bring yourself low to date every feminist, Karen, and onlyfans prostitute because of sex.

Vet ruthlessly and give only worthy ones a chance.
If men only went for women with traditional values and good upbringing, the trash in trashy women will take itself out - or they don't get married.

Either way, society is better off.

Choose only high quality women.
I wouldn't advice any young man to go after many women at once.

Act in your own self interest and try to further your mission.

One woman is neurotic enough, why would you want three? This quite literally translates to more neuroticism and problems in your life.
If you're in for the sex, then be my guest.

Just make sure you've made as much progress as you want in your life, because I can assure you once you start dating many women, you're pretty much gonna be stagnated - if you don't decline

(women can be a burden).

Good luck.
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