If you’re happy about the u-turn on #ALevelsResults & #gcseresults then don’t forget the government is currently trying to limit #judicialreview - the legal process which played a huge part in forcing the change. They want you to believe JRs are a bad thing. Don’t believe them.
If you’re wondering why you didn’t hear about a court case - that’s actually the best thing about #judicialreview. It starts with a letter saying why you think the decision is unlawful. If the public body realises you’re right, they change the decision without going to court.
I predict the govt’s review will focus on stats on cases that get to court & claim many lose. That’s not true. Lots of #judicialreviews win before trial - straight after the letter is sent or after the case starts but before the hearing. I predict they won’t tell you about those.
#judicialreview is the ONLY way to challenge unlawful State decisions. That could be the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, your local council, your housing authority, the police, the CPS etc. The govt is trying stop you from holding them to account. Don’t let them.
You can follow @debaleena_d.
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