Nicole A alone: If I hear by Wednesday night/Thursday that my association with Janelle is really screwing me, I’m going to do a little house meeting and blow this shit up. #BB22
NA alone: If I blow it up, if people are aware of where I fall. Yes I lose Janelle and Kaysar but I could have other people. Kevin, Christmas, Bayleigh, Nicole, Ian, Enzo That’s 6. I still think Memphis would vote for me regardless. #BB22
NA: So tomorrow I need to get Ian, Christmas, Tyler. I need to check in with Day again. I think I could have this. #BB22
NA goes on to say she needs to get Ian so he can talk to Nicole. If she get Bayleigh she can talk to Day. She already has kevin but he can talk to Day. If she has Nicole, she can convince Cody. “Tyler is in an alliance but I think he feels alone so I can get his ear..” #BB22
NA says she’s using a different bargaining chip for every person.
Nicole=safety if she’s HOH + have not. Ian=will pick him for safety suite +1. She says if she gets Ian/Nicole that will help her if she looses Janelle/Kaysar because of the fall out. #BB22
She goes on to say she could tell Ian/Nicole that Kaysar made up a lie to blow up their friendship which will them to trust eachother and they’ll believe NA isn’t with Janelle/Kaysar. #BB22
NA: It’s one thing if you’re someone’s target and you lose a comp and go out. It’s another thing to be associated with someone who has become your target because they didn’t a crap because your nominated. So literally I’m coming after the person people think I’m with. #BB22
NA: “I just want to stay on Thursday so bad, win the HOH and put them up. I can do this. I’m strong. I’m confident. I deserve to be here and I will stay here.” She goes to say that she was in a similar position last year but if she overcomes it, she won’t be a target after #BB22
NA:I got to get through this week. I can tell everyone who my targets are but at the same time keep nice w/ Janelle/Kaysar. If that would stay separated I could have them 2+everyone else. If it goes back to them I can just say I had to say it because people were linking us #BB22
NA: That’ll keep them at bay. These people will understand but if it really isn’t going in my favor and stuff is impleoding, then I do a house meeting. I would want to be HOH and do a house meeting so I know I’m safe. #BB22
NA: My eviction speech will probably be about bigger fish to fry, not names just general. If I’m evicted then I’ll say something before I walk out. But if I stay and win HOH, I can say it all. #BB22
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