Boden, Sweden:


The main driver of spreading Islam in Sweden is immigration

Jealous migrants destroy Swedish citizens cars in parking lots

Police were asked about this incident & they didn't even acknowledge that it happened
In social media, a video has been widely circulated that shows how a man walks around with a shelter and smashes several cars at a parking lot.
It was on Monday afternoon that the video was published on Facebook with the information that the vandalism occurred in Boden the same day.
On Tuesday, Samhällsnytt contacted the police's regional command center (RLC) in the North region to hear more about the incident. Maria Linné, who is a communicator at RLC, stated that she did not know about the incident and asked to return later.
Translation of the story from

~ Samhällsnytt
Cars are regularly burned in arson attacks while they sit in their parking lots in Sweden.

The excuses for the unrest in Sweden are quite pitiful.

The cult believes that they are not supposed to work, but the infidels should work and pay them, jealous that infidels own cars.
Some of you wrongly believed that the cult practices some form of real holiness. Abstaining from pork and grooming their beards is not Holiness as you understand it. It's a fake form of holiness. They know it's fake, you should know it's fake.

And they do eat pork and drink..
You should know we caught them sneaking pork, stealing bacon not to be seen, in grocery stores. We caught them countless numbers of time drinking in public drunk.

Crime syndicates do what they want.

Get woke to that.
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