@MichelleObama said something that really stuck with me. "If you think it can't get worse, you are mistaken" paraphrased
Remember that this has been a bizarre series of events, each of which was considered outrageous, but nothing was done about them by the @TheDemocrats. NONE!
-C19 was just a flu. No worries. Democrats using it for a hoax
-Refused the WHO tests (we would rather do our own) Our tests were an absolute disaster, meanwhile, the virus spread across the nation unchecked.
-Jared was acting as de facto president
-15 cases, soon to zero (lie)
-peddling an unproven drug
-peddling injection and ingestion of bleach or disinfectant, light inserted into the body
-dismantled the Pandemic Response Worldwide Network, ignored Pandemic Playbook
-refused to organize nationwide protocols for PPE, testing and tracing, everything
that is spelled out in the Playbook
-said nobody could have seen a pandemic coming, when they had just run a months long simulation of a pandemic ending in the fall of 2019 Crimson Contagion. Everyone knew it would happen
-played favorites with red and blue states for PPE
demanded quid pro quo (be nice and give us credit, or we won't call you back)
-sicced his armed militias on blue states to LIBERATE them (open up the businesses) in the middle of a ramp up in cases.
-attacked peaceful protesters nationwide, told mayors and governors to dominate
the streets, or look like jerks (phone call)
-gassed protesters, beat them and pushed them back with mounted police for a photo op with a bible. Said he was going to inspect damage at the church (not)
-flooded Portland with federal police in unmarked vans, most of whom
were from private security firms (not fed employees) and fully armed, itching to fight.
-flooded other cities, too, with Barr initiated DHS police force started in March 2020.
-never acknowledged peaceful protesters, only anarchists, looter, thugs
-erected 3 miles of fencing
to protect himself from attack in the WH.
-made a 500 billion dollar slush fund without oversight for him to decide who would get it
-Kushner hijacked the PPE supply chain, turned it over to his buddies.
-pushed the red state governors to open early, pushing cases up again
-threatened to withhold Federal funds to all schools that did not open with students in class, on campus.
-threatened to deport all foreign college students if they did not attend in person classes
-peddling another flower based cure for covid that causes all sorts of problems
because his pals said it would work
-dismissed Fauci's science based recommendations, sidelined him from appearing on TV
-made wearing face masks a political battle as an attack on personal freedom, causing thousands more to get sick
-had massive rallies against the advice of all
expert recommendations against them. (still is)
-said anyone that wasn't for him was an enemy of the nation
-says that mail in voting will end up being the biggest fraud ever in our history (no proof) Barr agrees, says that they will challenge the results
-and the latest and greatest is the dismantling of the USPS, causing massive disruption in the delivery of critical medicine, paychecks, paid bills, social security checks, rent and mortgage payments.

And Michelle said it will get worse. I believe her. I wish
to God that the Democratic leadership did, and would finally take offensive action against this madman! He is controlling the narrative, keeping them off balance, and it will not stop unless they impeach him immediately! WAKE THE HELL UP! TAKE ACTION! TAKE THE FIGHT TO HIM!
Don't be the party that was asleep at the wheel, while the pirates stole everything in sight, laughing and singing while they did so. DO NOT PLAY THE FOOLS.
PLAY CHESS, NOT CHECKERS! If you do not act quickly, we will lose our democracy altogether.
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