El Molo is the smallest tribe in Kenya along the shores of L.Turkana, between El Molo bay & Mount Kulal, According to the 2019 census, there were 1,104 El Molo residents. However talking to the communuity elders we realised that they are a few "pure" El Molo left.
Their main activity is fishing and live exclusively on fish, the fishing is mainly done by men, though some years back they used to hunt crocodiles.
Sadly for the El Molo, times (and stiff anti-poaching laws) have changed and the tribe is now forced to make a living from fish
Before you get to the village you have to cross a small section of L.Turkana and this is done by an engine boat though you have to pay a small fee for fuel but for the villagers who can't afford the crossing fees they use rafters to cross the Lake.
When you arrive at the village you will be met by woman, with anklets, bracelets beaded neckpiece & accessories made of beads and shells, they have turned the art of making accessories as a source of income by selling them to both Local and International tourists
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