Our 3 key asks of Govt:
Delay and consult properly on proposed changes, to avoid harming the pandemic response this winter; long-term ring-fenced PH funding at all levels; prioritise keeping people well & health inequalities
We argue that "a poorly planned and timed restructure risks undermining national and local strategy, systems and expert knowledge, damaging further the pandemic response."
"A myopic focus on infectious disease control is also insufficient, when health inequalities and chronic conditions increase vulnerability to Covid-19."
"The underfunding of PHE and public health more broadly harmed the pandemic response. Test and Trace (and, with it, Serco and Sitel) has been given £10 billion, against PHE’s annual budget of just under £300 million."
"A better-funded, politically independent and accountable public health system is essential to tackling future threats."
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