If you drink Yerba Mate and you're a white person you owe a Guarani person 5 dollars. Sorry, I don't make the rules. https://twitter.com/ProudBulba/status/1295621044233854976
Also Guarani people and specifically the Tupi Guarani people are getting assassinated on site for protecting their homeland from people like Bolsonaro and other fascist and conservative people that are accommodated by the United States and have been since the 1930s
Do y'all know what Operation Condor is? Do y'all know how dirty the US and the conservative governments of the dirty wars has been to Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, and Argentina? Because these dirty war tactics are about to come home to roost. Get ready para 'el propoganda'.
Honestly 5 dollars is not enough for the imperialism & colonialism y'all caused because of manifest destiny and the Monroe Doctrine. Y'all still think Malvinas Islands is yours. White people think colonialism is in the past tense but it's still constantly happening. YES, EVEN NOW
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