“I’m a lifelong republican, but that attachment holds second place to my responsibility to my country.” -Former Ohio Governor @JohnKasich. There’s been several things that I have been wanting to say about the polarization of politics lately, and this seems to be the time. (1/10)
Over the last year or so I’ve regained the chance to read as much as I can and take opportunities to learn more about the country I call home. We, as a country, have become so polarized that we do not even give a chance at words to someone of a different ideology.(2/10)
That’s called political ignorance. To avoid this, you must have complex conversations with not only people who are different from you, but who think different from you. That’s how you become intelligent. This is why I read my news from several different sources. (3/10)
This is why I talk to conservatives, liberals, and libertarians to see why they think what they think. What people fail to realize is that people agree on so much more than we give ourselves credit for. But sadly this polarization goes farther up than simply the citizens. (4/10)
Democrats and Republicans are more divided in government than ever before, and as an example: They both have coronavirus relief packages on the table and neither party will give in to any demands of the other in fear of looking weak, giving their opponents a (5/10)
political advantage, while millions of Americans are left to suffer. All I’m asking is next time someone tells you how they feel about a subject, that you don’t tell them they’re wrong. Ask them why they feel that way and tell them how you feel. (6/10)
You might just realize that we have more in common than you might think. And if not, you might be more willing to understand, and to comprehend, why someone might have a different political perspective than yourself. (7/10)
I’m glad there are still people in politics like Mr. Kasich. That being said, I would like to acknowledge that I in no way agree with John Kasich on everything. However, I do have much admiration for him and he has also written several books that I would recommend anyone (8/10)
to read, especially his most recent, “It’s Up to Us: Ten Little Ways We Can Bring About Big Change”. I enjoyed his speech at the DNC because he is putting his party aside voting for what he thinks is best for his country, and you should all consider doing the same. (9/10)
The world is such a dark place right now; it doesn’t need help in being any worse. Unite and treat each other with all of the compassion, kindness, and love that you can during this time. Much love, Seth. (10/10)
You can follow @sethnunley_.
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