Is an odd comment. As somebody who is constantly faced with badly translated (academic) essays by translation software, here are a couple of thoughts. /1
While the translation clearly good better, in particular if they are combined w/ additional software like Grammarly, there're still major problems. 1) If understanding requires socio-cultural context, those translations s*ck & I'm not sure how tech can solve this anytime soon. /2
2) If the text is very technical/academic terms need to be used which usually have a different meaning. While I think that this is not impossible to solve, assuming that it's done and dusted anytime soon seems to me premature. /3
3) Significant part of language learning is also to understand the cultural context. Language is more than just using vocabulary and grammar correctly, it's understanding of the meaning why it is used in the way it is. It helps you to understand others. /4
This understanding goes beyond an accurate translation of a particular message. I'm not sure how translation apps will help you in this point. Personally, I think anyone should at least speak one other language than their native language especially if you want to enter Uni. 5/5
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