What is the difference between A1 and A2 milk?

Have you ever heard of A1 and A2 milk? What kind of milk is this, do different cow produces A1 and A2 milk, what is the speciality of this milk, what are the benefits, side effects, what is the difference between A1 and A2 milk, etc
Milk is a wholesome diet that most people of every class drink. It is a rich source of calcium and protein. Several elements are also found in the milk like lactose, fat, other vitamins and minerals. milk contains two types of proteins: whey protein & casein protein.
-- We get A2 type of milk from ancient breed cow or native cow.

-- At the same time, we get A1 milk from the Foreign Breed Cow or from the mixed-race cow.

-- A2 desi cow milk better than A1 foreign breed or mixed breed A1 milk

-- A1 milk may cause type 1 diabetes
The proline found in A2 milk prevents BCM 7 to reach our body.

BCM 7 is an opioid peptide. It is a small protein that does not digest in our body. This can lead to indigestion and many types of research have shown that it may lead to various other diseases like diabetes etc
so Desi cow A2 milk sud be consumed .. thats good for health..

drink healthy .. stay healthy
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