When an agency like @MagnumPhotos is forced to take its entire archive off line due to allegations it was selling sexually explicit photographs of child prostitutes it raises a lot of questions about who knew & when, & why nobody acted sooner. Something has gone terribly wrong.
The influence that @MagnumPhotos has cannot be overemphasised but with that influence comes great responsibility. When prominent members are forced to resign positions due to endorsing racist content, brag openly about having no ethics or act as sexual predators you have to begin
to wonder about the culture at @MagnumPhotos & why they seem to be driven by endorsing unethical practices. It really saddens me to say this given the history and the work done by some great photographers there. Real risk of the brand being tainted irreparably if nothing is done.
One of the most unsettling aspects of all of this is the embarrassed silence that seems to happen on Twitter when this is mentioned. The @Fstoppers article on this got 4 retweets. 4. Think about that for a moment.
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