We can no longer condemn the use of digital tools of data and communication in electoral politics. social networks are the perfect ally when it comes to promoting democratic revolts, mass mobilizations, awareness about social/political issues. Voter Data is/will be used for 1/n
election campaigns. Datasets are far richer, linked to multiple data points, no longer in silos, and are unsecured. Congress worked with Cambridge Analytica for their election campaigns, there are enough established and verified evidence to prove Facebook leaked and 2/n
supplied data to CA pimping Trump’s electoral campaign. BJP has been far ahead of the curve in terms of using digital voter personas to created targeted geopolitical campaigns. As our lives become more digital, so do our politics, to cry foul overuse of data, it’s ludicrous 3/n
and plain stupid.

What we need is updated and stringent electoral law. Digital democracy is just a “concept” in India, we do not have clearly laid out checks & balances to extend democratic protection that is so evidently threatened by digital communication and data‐driven 4/n
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