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‼️a thread for everyone who haven’t watch sky castle but are curious abt the vibes etc abt the drama since JISOO will be working with the director and writter of this drama ‼️

This thread is only an overview so i wont be able to tell everything in detail because there’s too much 😭😭 so i will just basically sum it all for you. and if have any further questions abt the drama, my dms are always open ☺️
▪️Title: Sky Castle (SKY 캐슬)
▪️Director: Jo Hyun Tak
▪️Writer: Yoo Hyun Mi
▪️Release: Nov 23 2018- Feb 1 2019
▪️Total Episodes: 20 (avg of an hour running time) + 1 special episodes (Behind the scenes, interview,etc)
▪️Available on Netflix and Viu
Sky Castle received only 1.7% rating on their first episode but keep increasing due to their plot and acting of the cast and they end up having 23.7% on their final episode. This make them the highest tv cable rating of all time before The World of The Married this year.
Sky Castle is made based on the educational issues in S.Korea where students are forced to study hard and studies at 3 of the most prestigious universities (Seoul, Korea,and Yonsei) which oftenly called “SKY”
However in the drama, SKY Castle is a place for rich and successful ppl
Sky Castle is potraited to be an environment where rich, smart, successful families lives. Their houses are enormous and they lived in a very fancy lifestyle (u know what im saying 🥴)
All families who live in Sky Castle is successful and they want their child to continue their path and obligate their children to enter top universities (which cause them to have anxiety, stress, etc because of all the weight put on their shoulder)
Keep in mind that there are a of characters but everyone have something they’re hiding or smth fishy 🥴. it what makes this drama so good, the plot and characters are so unique unlike any other kdramas i’ve watched. And i dont think there’s a main character. everyone is important
Each character have their own traits and you can easily differentiate them after 1-3 episodes.
These are the pictures of the parents.
These are pictures of the children of the families. all have their own insecurities and problems even if it doesn’t shows explicitly.

fun fact: Chani SF9 (idol) was one of the children and he was still a rookie actor but he nailed it! *top second left on the pict*
As I said, there are several families that lives in Sky Castle and be prt of the story. There are a total of 5 families involved in the whole story. But the drama will only focused on 4 families mainly on 2 main families
I will start with the first family. This family consist of a father, a mother and 2 daughter (Ye seo and Ye Bin)
The main problem in their family is Ye Seo (oldest) wants to enter the medica school on Seoul National University. The parents are very ambitious.
Second family consist of a father, a mother (step mom, but she genuinely cares for her son) and a son (Woo Joo)
This family might seems normal at first, the kid is like the typical nice biy but he also keeps a secret and this family will then face the most shocking incident
Third family consist of a father, a mother, one daughter and two sons (twins)
The father is very ambitious abt his children education but their mother was not.
This family will also face a problem later on related to their oldest daugther.
Fourth family consist of a father, a mother, and a son.
I can say this is the most unproblematic family on the whole story but that doesn’t mean they have everything going on normally.
They will face a problem related to the son and also the father (career orientated)
The last family doesn’t appears alot but holds a very special part to the whole story. They seems like a perfect family until the something happen


the mother killed herself on the last minute of the first episode left everyone wondering what happen
Last but not least is the tutor. This tutor really is the key of the story. She is a cold hearted woman. Her credibility is 100% and can assure all of her student to enter Seoul University But she holds a very dark secret on how she successfully makes her student enters Seoul Uni
The tutor is often called “Coach/ Teacher Kim” she is very mysterious that will make you very curious and scared of her. She also a very closed person and she have a traumatic past that you probably never guess. Her past is what makes her the woman she is today (cold,mysterious)
There’s also a girl named Hye Na. she is Ye Seo’s competitor. They are both very smart so Ye Seo pratically hates her.

She also hold a big secret that will leave you “WHAT JUST HAPPENED “ when you find out.

She will also hold a big part of the story towards the end
There’s also a little love line (love triangle) between Ye Seo, Hye Na, and Woo Joo. Ye Seo likes Woo Joo but Woo Joo likes Hye Na. This makes Ye Seo hates Hye Na even more
This drama is really unpredictable. Every scene is magnificent and another major problem will just appear on the 14th episode


On the 14th episode, Hye Na was murdered and it will left everyone shock. The story will then envolves on finding the murderer
The ending of the drama is one of the most beautiful ending i’ve seen. I cried really hard on the 19th and 20th episode. It will definitely makes u cry because of happiness but also sadness at the same time. I literally have no words for this drama
Im not good at making threads and this is only a brief intro the drama, there’s so many more on the drama. like this is only 20% of the drama and words wont be enough to express how good the drama is. so please, if you have the time, try watching the series.
Sky Castle isn’t overrated. It truly deserves such high ratings. The story, the characters, the actors, the cinematography are just perfect. The series is so good that you need to watch it urself to find it out. Trailers wont even do justice to the whole series. Its a masterpiece
I love how Sky Castle always portrays the women character to be a strong independent woman. bc women world domination 😌
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