[Thread] Sevilla vs. Man Utd tactical analysis.

First of all, I apologize I couldn't post this yesterday.

Let's see how #mufc & #SevillaFC

- #mufc pressed Sevilla using the CBs as triggers.
- Once CBs positioned to play to flanks #mufc press man2man (left or right).
- Fred maintain a central role as gap is left by Pogba.
- Pogba joined press with front 4 to maintain press compactness.
- If Fred joined press this leaves massive space in the middle for ball over for a 4v4 w/ #mufc backline.
- #SevillaFC pressing system w/ triggers.
- Prevent #mufc from buildup using their CDMs (ball progressors).
- #SevillaFC triggers was DDG. If played to CBs pressing changes from 2224 -> 1414.
- #MUFC aimed to regain possession high up the pitch.
- Direct play b/w Fred/Bruno or Bruno/Pogba.
- Isolate forwards with #SevillaFC backline.
#MUFC press created a lot of turnovers. Seen in possession lost stat: #SEV 140 - #MUN 117
- Led the situations below. 👇
If #SevillaFC progressed up the pitch:
- #mufc setup in 442 out of possession in a mid-block.
- Triggers were Banega (deep progressor) & Gordon.
- Pogba & Martial cover Fernando or Gordon.
- #SevillaFC interchanged to get #mufc out of shape.
- #mufc remained in their compact 442
- #SevillaFC in possession: 325/2341.
- Banega/ Fernando drop into a back 3 to progress play.
- One of Gordon or Banega must stay central. Best ball progressors at #SevillaFC
- #SevillaFC out of possession: 451.
- Maintain compactness centrally.
- #mufc FBs congesting play instead of stretching play. ( #mufc weakness)
- Notice #SevillaFC FBs positioning in 2nd pic compared to #mufc fbs 1st pic.
2nd Half:

- #SevillaFC midfield began to tire & fade.
- #SevillaFC pressing system fell off & became dis-jointed.
- No support from mid for wingers & CF.
- Created massive space for #mufc CDMs (Pogba & Fred).
- Helped #mufc keep Sevilla in their own 1/2 make a lot of turnovers.
#mufc lack of outlet on the flanks:
- AWB & Williams were always 10-15 yards behind.
- Both #SevillaFC wide players didn't have to track their runs.
- Mainly 2v1 situation was created vs Greenwood & Rashford easily
- Williams' timing was always off but AWB didn't try.
#SevillaFC subs: 1st two are like for like Ocampos (a knock) for Munir & Nesyri for De Jong.

- de jong can hold the ball up better. Go long if needed.
- Ocampos stopped offering anything for them due to a knock.
- #SevillaFC maintained same system.
- Like4like changes
#mufc's catastrophic defending:
- 4v2 situation.
- Striker b/w 2 defenders
- No far side runners or late runners (just de jong)
- Lindelof & AWB absolutely switched off despite awareness of de Jong's position.
- Only "chance" Sevilla had 2nd half.

Free Goal. #mufc
- After 2nd goal.
- #SevillaFC fell into their 451 shape to see out the game.
- Defended centrally as there's no threat from the flanks.
#mufc substitutions:
- Daniel James and TFM came on to give us width that Williams & AWB failed to give.
- Risky as Ole scarified a FB.

Mata & lingard could have came on earlier but before the 2nd goal we were still creating chances. There was no need. + possible central conges.
#SevillaFC 1st goal:
- Greenwood moves out of shape to press.
- Unaware of Regulion position. this created a 2v1 for AWB.
- Lindelof is dragged out to aid him.
- AWB doesn't track Reguilon back
- Williams leaves Suso free to shoot.
One positive:
- #mufc improved their play out from the back under pressure.
- players took central positions to provide passing angles to cut through the press.
#2 #MUFC
#3 #MUFC
Really disappointing to lose this game, especially that were the better team. However, the performance is something to be really encouraged about. #mufc really need to address their right hand side,FBs positions in general and depth.

End. #mufc
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